Friday, June 13, 2008

Earth Rapers

"It takes 40 animals to make a FUR COAT
but only ONE to wear it

"We feel that animals have the same rights as a retarded human child because they are equal mentally in terms of dependence on others."
- The New York Times (January 14, 1989)

"Do you know that fat little guy from Seinfeld? He has become the main pitchman for KFC, Jason Alexander. And beginning in May he is going to star in the West Coast production of 'The Producers.' It's made for us. We can be slamming him as the play opens. If we do this properly, he will wish he never saw a chicken."
- The New Yorker (April 14, 2003)

"If ten people in America died of mad cow disease, in the long run it would save probably millions of lives. Because people would stop eating meat. That’s not a catty thing to say, to say -- in the long run this is what I hope."
- Upon accepting the “Celebrity Animal Advocate of the Year award” at the “Animal Rights 2003” convention

"To those people who say, `My father is alive because of animal experimentation,’ I say `Yeah, well, good for you. This dog died so your father could live.’ Sorry, but I am just not behind that kind of trade off."
- US magazine (February 1, 1999)

"Serving a burger to your family today, knowing what we know, constitutes child abuse. You might as well give them weed killer."
- PETA Europe news release, "Meat Expo Declared A ‘Danger Zone’ By Vegetarians: PETA Targets Smithfield 2000" (November 27, 2000)

"We encourage others to find a local Earth raper and make them pay for the damages they are inflicting on our communities... Furriers, meat packers, bosses, developers, rich industry leaders are all Earth rapers … We must inflict economic sabotage on all Earth rapers."
- Rosebraugh/Earth Liberation Front statement (August 1, 1999)

"When you see the loss of 9 billion [animal] lives each year, it's inappropriate to hold a sign or pass out a petition. It's appropriate to go out and burn down the factory farm."
- The Seattle Post-Intelligencer (June 18, 2001

"What we must do is start viewing every cow, pig, chicken, monkey, rabbit, mouse, and pigeon as our family members."
- The Toledo Blade (June 24, 2001) <---- YESSS.. THANKYOUUUUU

"If beef is your idea of ‘real food for real people,’ you’d better live real close to a real good hospital."

Joan: I hope you guys don't take this the wrong way. I am PERFECTLY fine with people eating meat (well sorta...kinda). BUT MY POINT IS, the only thing i can honestly say is that the thing that annoys me the most is when people wave a piece of stake in my face, or when they stuff a burger under my nose and say "o0o0o0o0o. loook at thisss" and then when they take a bite at it "omg it takes SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD"
because frankly i dont give a shit on how good it tastes.

and some people STILL don't get why i'm a pescetarian wanting to turn vegetarian

enough said.

"There’s no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They’re all animals."
- Washingtonian magazine (August 1, 1986)

"Six million people died in concentration camps, but six billion broiler chickens will die this year in slaughterhouses."[emphasis added]
- The Washington Post (November 13, 1983)

Humans have grown like a cancer. We're the biggest blight on the face of the earth.
- Washingtonian magazine (February 1, 1990)