Friday, September 19, 2008

15 things about me

The rules:
State 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
The 10 people I tag are then to follow and write their own 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts.
Most importantly, NO TAGBACKS

1) I absolutely HATE it when people on chat ask me "what's up" because we all know very well the answer's going be "nm". please people... save it. GET TO THE POINT.

2) When im in the process of cooking/baking i ALWAYS kiss whatever im making. hehe. i believe you gotta love wat you're creating. AND i believe u gotta spread the love too!!! made with TLC yo. (tender loving care)- jamie oliver.. the dude i love.

3) I tend to only be nice to guys who are quiet, shy, nerdy and... shy. heh. i have no idea know why.

4) I use "OMG" and "HAHA" and "LOL" way too much... trying to cut down. HAHA... lol... omg lame... (SEE THERE I GO AGAIN)

5) I want to be a chef and open a restaurant and teach gourmet cooking and have a gallery in my restaurant where people can buy and look at fabuloso art work. MAMAMIAAA. i know. teaching art will be a fallback :D:D

6) I am VERY attracted to nerdy, dorky and geeky guys... its just something about them thats so.... and i think their the only kind of guys i'll ever date. EVERR

7) I LIVEEEE in coffeebean... and when im in singapore i LIVE in starbucks.. i even get to know the people who make my coffee. yes we even chit chat. its very nice. hehe.

8) The only movie i will never get bored of is Kungfu panda.. man. that was one kickass movie. IVE WATCHED IT SO MANY TIMES TILL I EVEN KNOW MOST OF JACK BLACK'S LINESSS. now that.... is sick.

9) If u catch me doodle... i tend to doodle happy things like rainbows and trees and happy faces and butterflies.. OH AND ESPECIALLY FLOWERS.

10) I call myself a tree hugger but you'll be suprised at how many trees i haven't hugged. let me tell you... ITS MANY. man... i'm going to make it a habit to hug trees as i walk past them.. yeahh

11) When im bored at the beach i pick up a handful of sand and start trying to count the grains that are in my hands. sad i know.. but have you ever looked closely at a handful of sand? its pretty.

12) In my room.. when the doors are closed and theres no one around... IM THE WORLDS BEST SINGERR. haha seriously. i lip sync and dance to my favourite songs ALL THE TIME. IT FRONT OF THE MIRROR EVEN. then i pretend im performing at my very own concert. HAHHA

13) I'm extremely fascinated by pretty bra's. hehe. most of which i cannot afford. **sniff sniff**

14) Be warned... give me or buy me anything thats plain.. and i WILL, i repeat WILL doodle, draw or decorate on it. HAHA. this includes shoes!!

15) I frequently have dreams of myself running naked in a field with many trees and grass that grows all the way to your hips singing "Tree hugger" by Kimya Dawson and the Antsy Pants and shouting " GREEN PEACE YO... WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT... ohh yeahhh"


thanks for reading.