Friday, August 29, 2008

Especially for Sara Barnes


since i feel really really sorry that you have nothing fun to do... i shall UPDATE YOUUU.
ha... sara owes me!!! you guys are my wittnesses!!
but really... im only blogging because i have nothing else better to do.

WEEK 1 OF PRISON was okay... it wasnt all that great.
it really really really really really really x10000000 isnt all the same without sara anymore.
nurul seemed to notice it as well when we were having lunch by the lockers today:

Nurul: omg i want to watch AMERICAN PSYCHO!!!! i saw this scene where this guy moonwalks out of a room with an axe... then he starts axing another guy to death.. THEN HE MOONWALKS BACK INTO THE ROOM ABAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ***and she breaks out into hysterical laughter... AKA: a smiling orgasm (yeah... nurul had one of those)***

then everyone: **not getting nuruls joke and looks at her like shes a complete psycho retard who only laughs at herself**

Nurul: what??? you guys dont get it??

everyone: NO???

Nurul: man.... see.... if sara was here SHE WOULD GET MYYYYYY JOKEE!!!

haha. sara EVERYONE MISSES YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. and art was completley.. uhh. boring.

Hey guys!!! Joan Tan here.
Your one and ONLY source into the scandalous lives of Brunei's elite.
It's apparent that students of Miss White's art class have spotted her with a shiny new DIAMOND right on her fourth finger on her left hand... **GASP** oh yeahh... are you thinking what i'm thinking??
Could she and her long time (i think) bf FINALLLYYYYY be tying the knot?? HAVE they decided to give in to the RUMORS?? HAVE they decided to take each others hand in MARRIAGE... HAVE they decided to proclaim themselves MAN and WIFE in holy MATRIMONY?!?!?

You know you love me!
Joan Tan

**elemets taken from gossip girl.. teheee**

BAHAHHAHAHAHAHA ok that was completley gay i know.. forgive me readers... i needed something to cheer me up after a shitty day.

ANYWAYYY.. dont make such a big deal outta this.. i coud be wrong?? maybe its a purity ring?? tons of people wear rings **ahem ahem maybe not diamond** but tons of people wear rings on the fourth finger on their left hand coz... they feel like it? haha that was such a stupid guess... but i hope its true. :D
and miss white is mysteriously being incredibly nice to us.. and to ME even.... SHE TAUGHT ME HOW TO BLEND PAINT o.0 hahah. okok i will stop. DONT TAKE MY CRAPPY NONSENSE SERIOUSLY.

OHHH and i remember the other day a ton of basketball players came in from singapore. they were in the singapore team and they were all gimungus... god they were beasts... seriously. they came to play a game... or to show off their freakishly monstrous tall bodies, but anyway me ching and ling sat at the sides and we were watching all of them the whole time.

Ching: Hey the short one looks quite cute
Ling: where where?!?!
Ling: (being smart for once) err ching? their all in their uniform so their all wearing red?
Ching: oh right yeahh....
Me: OMG LOOK AT BRYON AHHAHAHAH ***and starts laughing like a gorilla***

okok the reason it was so funny was byron looked like a complete midwarf (midget+dwarf) next to one of the bball players... we found that very funnayyy. ahahah. that image will crack me up for the rest of my life i swear.

Ling: So.... how old do you think these guys are??
Me: ling... their too old for you.. dont even think about it
Ling: **cricket cricket**

HAHAH sorry ling

Ching: MAN!!! WHY ISNT SARA HERE!!!! SHE COULD "SERIOUSLYYYYYY" find her future boyfriend here. their PERFECTTTTTT.
Ling and me: **agreeing 110%**

then we started to have this conversation on who would be best for sara... oh yeah... we so know you type sara...

Sara's Type:
1) his last name should be barnes (if not... he has to resemble him in some way)
2) he has to resemble edward cullen
3) has to have a velvety voice
4) has to be at least a head taller than sara... all the guys on the court passed btw
5) has to have good shiny white teeth and granite skin... we lost a few on that one
6) and has to have an english accent... right?

eh eh eh... not bad eh sara? we know our stuff. HAHA.

i'll update you on some more soon!!! promise.

AND THAT GOES TO EVERYONE ELSE ASWELL.. hmph.. i have to do all the work here. haha. jks.



Sunday, August 17, 2008


i think its time for an update dont u think? i have so abandoned this blog. ahhaa. its been A MONTH

well basiclly my whole summer was spent in bangkok and singapore. it was AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEE. really really coooool.
i cant really compare any of the 2 because i had equally ultimate fun times. although they were both totally different kinds of holidays. :P

BANGKOK/HUAHIN: it was ....... HAHAH.
the first 2 nights were spent at lebua state tower which is the tallest building in thailand. my roomie was non other than AMANDUHHHHH. ahhaa. we had an awesome time. there was starbucks right below our hotel. i have no idea how many times we went there. it was atleast 3 times a day. ahaha. we even got to know the people who made out coffee!!!!. lolool.

after those 2 nights we went (BY A 4 HOUR LONG BUS RIDE) to hua hin everson resort.

it was *************&*&$(#^*^$)_@)#(_@)#(@&#(*@#$ gorgeous.

dont believe me?
i think the pictures will help me explain

this is what it looks like walking in.... o.0

the room.

the outdoor bathtub/jacuzzi thingo? ahah.

the outdoor shower o.0 this took some getting used to. HAHA



me and amandas ultimate hangout place :D

amanda did laps here. HAHAHA

we had 4 nights here.
4 very very very wild nights. ahAHHA.
we really took advantage of our butler. (yes we had our own personal butler)
we would DEMAND things every day from a yoga mat (which we never used), DVDS, drinks, FOOD, bikes, bicycles, EVERYTHINGG. hahaha. we felt so.... powerful. soo... vip. yeahhhhh. :P

amanda: hi we'd like some DVDS.
pond (that was our butler's name): sure sure
amanda: ok the ring, dark water, hide and seek, the grudge, one missed call and the shutter.
me: (begining to break out into cold sweat)
amanda: yes and we'd like them quickly?
pond: excuse me?
amanda: chop chop?

HAHAHAHA. she was so demanding. and we only managed to watch hide and seek. reasons were
1) we were way too chicken
2) i wanted to watch dark water but nooooo. amanda made the silly excuse that "dude.. I SWIM!!!"
I know... i had to crack up at that one too. lol

so we made another call to pond and told him to bring some chick flicks. lol.

i think the nicest thing was riding around the place. it was pretty. one of the things that ticked me off was how narrow the walkway/road was. i was riding one day and a buggy was coming in the oposite direction. it was carrying this couple and i guess riding around the buggy was not an option.
i fell into the bush.
seriously the driver was more worried about the stupid rose bush than me.
not happy.

after those amazing 4 days we went back to bangkok city. yes we rode the 4 hour long bus drive again. lol
when we got back i met my parents who came for the last day to go shopping. i moved into their room because amanda went off to singapore. i felt so amandoned :(
the rest of the evening was spent getting ready for the lavish dinner at peninsula hotel with all the others. o.0
it was... very very very posh. hahaa. a 5 course meal. i was one of the 3 vegetarians and the food we had was pretty gross.

course 1:
appetizer; normal people got seafood salad and the V'S got cooked dough. BAALAHAHAHAHA.

oh the worse was yet to come...

course 2:
appetizer 2: normal people got meat on sticks and the V'S got blood flavoured jelly. (it wasnt real blood ofcourse, it just tasted like it)

course 3:
main course: normal people got steak and the V'S got asparagus and onions... -_-. i was glad it tasted decent

course 4:
desert. THANKYOUUUUUUUUU: we all got the same thing and it was orange mango flavoured shot sized jelly. lmao

course 5:
desert2: chocolate fudge cake ARTISTICLLY presented. it was so hard for me to put my fork to it because it looked so pretty. ahaha. i sulked whilst eating it. poor pretty thing.

after that it was basiclly the end. shopping (MAJOR SHOPPING) followed the next day. and then it was hello brunei.


i spent 3 days in brunei (going to the art gallery everyday to teach kids for my service)

singapore was equally as great. lots of time was spent with cousins. fun times fun times :P
i went to watch my first gig too which was pretty cool. nicole and victoria brought me XD

oh yeahh. which reminds me i have to give a huge shout out to victoria for entertaining me for 2 weeks :D
and ur the best person to watch incredible tales with!!! HAHA. always remember to take a shower before watching it.
only we know why ;)
and yes dont forget we're going dress shopping in october when i come for jades wedding!!! :P
love love!! hope ur reading this :D

ok so thats the end of my holiday.
yay people can stop bugging me about updating :D:D:D


oh and p.s check out the ching and joan show on youtube...
if you can manage to find it that is
its incredibly hard to search for
right ching? ;)

watch know you want to